Капитан Смоллет
Цитата из описания Балдурашевского фикспака, как говорится "чтоб пресечь все кривотолки" :
Improved Dragon AI Fix
Files SPELL.IDS, CUT44C.BCS, DRAGBLAC.BCS, DRAGHELL.BCS, DRAGRED.BCS, DRAGSILV.BCS, SHADRA01.BCS, UDSILVER.CRE, SPCL412.SPL and SPCL414.SPL; edited versions of the Baldur's Gate 2 AI sсript files for dragons (as well as a cutscene with a variable change in it and a slightly changed creature definition file for the Silver Dragon Adalon.) They resolve three serious shortcomings of dragon AI: firstly, whereby the dragon does not react if the player uses area-effect spells such as Cloudkill to injure or kill it offscreen. Cloudkill was the most popular of these as the Wand of Cloudkill seems to ignore creature Magic Resistance.
Now, if a dragon is injured when no players are visible, it will nullify all its dialog (which would prevent it from doing anything, and obviously talking isn't what the player had in mind) turn hostile, cast the priest spell Zone Of Sweet Air (which removes Cloudkill) and walk about until it encounters an enemy. Then its previous attack AI sсript will take over. If the party member runs offscreen from the dragon, it will again begin walking until it encounters a party member. Previously, dragons would stop fighting and not pursue if the player(s) went out of sight range, which again would leave them vulnerable to offscreen area-effect spells. They are now more aggressive in pursuit of those who injured them (as they are supposed to be.)
The second part of this fix (added by Beige Tangerine) resolves another oversight which allowed players to reduce a dragon's magic resistance without it turning hostile. Any priest can accomplish this by casting the 5th-level spell "Magic Resistance" on a dragon. The spell SETS a target creature's magic resistance to a value (rather than increasing it as most items do.) Specifically, it grants 2% magic resistance per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 40%. Thus, casting Magic Resistance on any dragon (all of which have greater than 40% immunity to magic innately) actually *reduces* the creature's resistance. However, as this spell was intended as a beneficial ability, dragons do not react to its casting. The patch fixes the problem, and dragons targeted by Magic Resistance will now turn hostile and nullify dialog as noted above.
The third part of this fix (added by KensaiRyu with modifications by myself) removes the exploit of adding thieves' snares/traps around the dragon's feet while it stands there unresponsive. Setting a snare in the vicinity of a neutral dragon will now cause it to go hostile.
A minor update also fixes the exploit of pickpocketing Adalon for her Silver Dragon Blood and Drow Runes Of Sundering items. I think a long-armed thief woud be required as I tried several times and was unable to due to the radius of her "personal space" circle, but enough people have said that it's been done to warrant fixing this.
In case anyone would like to complain that "cheesing" was the only way to beat them before, remember that the developers made all of the dragons in the game bypassable. The game can be finished without killing any dragons at all.
Thanks to KensaiRyu and Beige Tangerine for their contributions!
You can visit Beige Tangerine at http://www.geocities.com/beigetangerine
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