Maphack для 1.10, кажется, где-то у меня валяется. А что? Найти что ли влом? Али опять ликбезом заниматься, как поисковиками пользоваться? Так в этом разделе точно не буду. 
О, читаем!
General Information
Type.................: Other (specify)
Platform.............: Windows 9x/ME/2000
Part Size............: 391,916 bytes
Number of Parts......: 1
Compression Format...: RAR
File Validation......: SFV
Copy Protection......: Other (Specify)
Post Information
Posted by............: Mousepad
Posted on............: 6-1-04
Maphack is a realm and single player hack for Diablo II and Diablo II LOD that adds many useful extra features.
Features :-
Reveal automap for whole act, including quest features, many shrines and cave/stairway level names.
Show all shrines on automap sooner than normal, each type with different graphics.
Full screen light radius, full infravision (see through walls) and sunny weather.
Show monsters, selected items, unopened chests and hostile arrows/bolts on automap.
Show special monsters and hostile players different colour on automap.
Show monster enchantments, auras and immunities on automap.
Change colour or hide selected items on ground.
Hide selected monster and missiles corpses.
Show rune numbers and number of sockets on items.
Virtual map scrolling, allowing casting or shooting at huge ranges.
Disable unwanted monster death animinations (eg shenk).
Change monster life bar colour.
Protect socketed items from accidental socketing.
Show if cow king killed in quest log.
View other players, iron golems, valkyries and shadow warriors/masters equipment.
Item and druid drop hack protection.
Automatic exit game on low life and/or hostility.
Many settings configurable.
Files included :-
D2MAPHACK.EXE - Maphack dll loader, run this.
D2MAPHACK.DLL - Maphack dll.
D2MAPHACK.CFG - Configuration file (editable).
D2MAPHACK.VCB - Vocabulary file for configuration (editable).
README.HTML - This file.
SHRINES.TXT - List of shrine numbers.
BLOB*.BMP - Automap blob images (editable).
SHRINE*.BMP - Automap shrine images (editable).
MINISHRINE*.BMP - Automap minishrine images (editable).
How to use:-
Installation :-
1. Extract all files from D2MAPHACK.ZIP to any folder (you only have to do this once).
2. Run Diablo II.
3. Alt+tab out of Diablo II.
5. Click on "Install/update".
6. Alt+tab back to Diablo II and play.
Default keys in game (on numpad) :-
"-" - Reveal automap for whole act.
"*" - Toggle full screen light radius, full infravision and sunny weather.
"/" - Toggle show monsters on automap.
"+" - Toggle show hidden items.
Scroll lock - Toggle virtual map scrolling.
Pause/Break - Center virtual map.
Уж этого-то точно везде навалом. 
А ext.stash это что? Увеличение объёма сундука что ли, чтобы было куда с пиндла и Мефисто всякий хлам скидывать?